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How can I receive a signal
that I don't even know? "

                           (notebook No.41)


philosophizing with humans

Why is education in schools still and mostly only reduced to imparting knowledge? Where is the space and time for the really important questions in life? Isn't it high time to see communication, maintaining values, dealing with one another or self-awareness as an essential part of education?
With these questions I initiated and implemented the academy "Philosophizing with Children, Youngsters & Adults" with extensive offers such as Philo Art Camps for families, seminars and evenings in connection with practical workshops and of course a lot of fun.

The well known p4c is similar but since its beginning 40 years ago a lot of different methods and techniques have been developed.


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Das Buch zum Philosophieren (2019, German):

Buch, 130 Seiten & 10 Bilder

Wir stellen unentwegt Fragen, die sich mit der Zeit verändern, tiefer gehen oder sich manchmal auflösen. Im Buch "Fragen, Forschen, Glücklichsein" geht es um primär um das Philosophieren, aber auch um das richtige Fragestellen im Umgang mit Kindern, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen.

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